Qter 发表于 2020-9-16 15:58:58


本帖最后由 Qter 于 2020-9-16 17:28 编辑

https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/sylpheed.pngSylpheed's main window

Sylpheed是一个简单的,轻量级的但有丰富功能且易于使用的电子邮件客户端。Sylpheed提供了直观的用户界面。Sylpheed也专为键盘操作设计,因此Sylpheed可广泛用于从初学者到高级用户。Sylpheed可运行在许多系统,如Windows,Linux,BSD,Mac OS X和其他类Unix系统。Sylpheed使用的GTK GUI工具包。Sylpheed最新版本适用于GTK2.4或更高版本(2.6或更高版本推荐)。是在GNU GPL(库部分是基于GNU LGPL)分发的免费软件。你可以根据许可证自由地使用,修改和重新发布它。https://www.jdon.com/simgs/idea/sylpheed.png下载:sylpheed

While it's been around for quite a while, Sylpheed isn't showing its age. In fact, it is still a vital and viable lightweight email client that packs enough features to keep most users happy and productive.Those features include support for multiple email accounts and templates that let you create custom replies to messages. Sylpheed makes it easy to configure filters for handling your email, too.Sylpheed's editor is basic but more than functional with the ability to compose HTML messages and attach or insert files into a message. If you have an encryption tool based on PGP installed on your computer, you can also encrypt and sign your messages using PGP.
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