Qter 发表于 2019-12-31 12:18:35

Doxygen 注释转文档

本帖最后由 Qter 于 2020-2-11 19:16 编辑


doxygen-1.8.17-setup.exe (47.2MB)    ---这个才有界面doxywizard
This is a self-installing archive that includes the HTML and compressed HTML versions of the manual and the GUI frontend. It bundles 32-bit and 64-bit versions of doxygen.exe, and will install the right one based on the OS.
If you are allergic to installers and GUIs, haven't sufficient bandwidth, or don't have administrator priviledges you can also download the32-bit doxygen binary in a zip (18.3MB) or the 64-bit version (22.3MB).

Graphviz is open source graph visualization software.
msiexec /a graphviz-x.xx.msi

Qter 发表于 2019-12-31 17:33:00



Qter 发表于 2020-2-3 11:18:12

本帖最后由 Qter 于 2020-2-3 11:39 编辑

GIT repository
The GIT repository for doxygen is hosted on GitHub. In this repository you can be find the latest "bleeding edge" version of doxygen.If you have the necessary build tools installed (i.e. g++, python, cmake, flex, bison), you should do the following to get the initial copy of the repository:git clone https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen.gitcd doxygenAfter that you can usemkdir buildcd buildcmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..makeTo force a fresh build after an earlier check-out simple remove the build directory and redo the steps above.After the binaries have been built, you can usemake installto install them.Public access to the GIT repository is read-only at the moment. So it is not possible to directly commit changes. Instead you can clone the repository, make you changes and create a pull request to notify me. I'll review the changes and include them (assuming they are correct and relevant).
GIT binariesWindows binaries for the latest tagged releases are sometimes available as well.
Sources and Binaries
Latest releaseThe latest version of doxygen is 1.8.17 (release date December 27th 2019).
The source distribution
doxygen-1.8.17.src.tar.gz (4.9MB)
A binary distribution for Linux x86-64
doxygen-1.8.17.linux.bin.tar.gz (42.6MB)
Compiled using Ubuntu 16.04 with kernel 4.4.0 and gcc 5.4.0 and statically linked again libclang. This archive includes the HTML version of the manual, but not the GUI frontend.
A binary distribution for Windows. All versions of Windows since Vista are supported.
doxygen-1.8.17-setup.exe (47.2MB)
This is a self-installing archive that includes the HTML and compressed HTML versions of the manual and the GUI frontend. It bundles 32-bit and 64-bit versions of doxygen.exe, and will install the right one based on the OS.If you are allergic to installers and GUIs, haven't sufficient bandwidth, or don't have administrator priviledges you can also download the32-bit doxygen binary in a zip (18.3MB) or the 64-bit version (22.3MB).
A binary distribution for Mac OS X 10.9 and later
Doxygen-1.8.17.dmg (126.0MB)
This is a self-contained disk image, which contains the GUI frontend. The binaries support the whole range of Intel CPUs (both 32 and 64 bit).
Alternatively you can download the files from SourceForge.See the change log to find out what has changed. If you want to be informed about new releases fill in your email address in the form at the top of this page.

Download Manual
The documentation for release 1.8.17A hyperlinked PDF version of the documentationdoxygen_manual-1.8.17.pdf.zip (1.3MB)
A compiled HTML version of the documentationdoxygen_manual-1.8.17.chm.zip (3.5MB)


Qter 发表于 2020-2-11 21:19:34

本帖最后由 Qter 于 2020-2-14 17:36 编辑


1、工具下载及安装  (1)Doxygen可以从一套源文件开始,生成HTML格式的在线类浏览器。笔者采用的版本是Doxygen1.8.9.1
  (2)Microsoft HTML Help Workshop是微软开发,用于本工程创建*.chm文件,笔者上官网下载最新的htmlhelp  (3)Graphviz用于配合doxygen使用,提取函数之间、头文件之间的调用关系,笔者使用的版本是graphviz-2.38.

  一、文件注释,放于文件的开头放在#ifndef前<font color="rgb(77, 77, 77)"><font face="&quot;"><font style="font-size: 16px">/**
* @file         filename
* @brief      This is a brief description.
* @detailsThis is the detail description.
* @author       author
* @date   date
* @versionA001
* @par Copyright (c):
*       XXX公司
* @par History:         
*   version: author, date, desc\n
*/</font></font></font>二、函数注释,放于函数声明前<font color="rgb(77, 77, 77)"><font face="&quot;"><font style="font-size: 16px">/**
* This is a brief description.
* This is a detail description.
* @param   inArgName input argument description.
* @paramoutArgName output argument description.
* @retvalOK成功
* @retvalERROR   错误
* @par 标识符
*      保留
* @par 其它
*      无
* @par 修改日志
*      XXX于201X-XX-XX创建
*/</font></font></font>三、数据结构注释,放于数据结构定义前<font color="rgb(77, 77, 77)"><font face="&quot;"><font style="font-size: 16px">/**
* The brief description.
* The detail description.
typedef struct
    int var1;///<Description of the member variable
}XXXX;</font></font></font>四、宏定义注释,放于宏定义上方或者右侧<font color="rgb(77, 77, 77)"><font face="&quot;"><font style="font-size: 16px">/** Description of the macro */
#define XXXX_XXX_XX   0</font></font></font>或者<font color="rgb(77, 77, 77)"><font face="&quot;"><font style="font-size: 16px">#define XXXX_XXX_XX   0 ///< Description of the macro.</font></font></font>五、全局和静态变量注释<font color="rgb(77, 77, 77)"><font face="&quot;"><font style="font-size: 16px">/**Description of global variable*/
int g_xxx = 0;

static int s_xxx = 0; ///<Description of static variable</font></font></font>https://blog.51cto.com/ticktick/188674










  完成上述操作之后,就能生成如下API文档  https://images0.cnblogs.com/blog2015/365941/201505/282217434541512.pnghttps://blog.csdn.net/HIVAN1/article/details/82996847

Qter 发表于 2020-2-13 00:11:57


If the HTML_DYNAMIC_MENUS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML documentation will contain a main index with vertical navigation menus that are dynamically created via JavaScript. If disabled, the navigation index will consists of multiple levels of tabs that are statically embedded in every HTML page. Disable this option to support browsers that do not have JavaScript, like the Qt help browser.

The default value is: YES.

This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. 选中这个后,在源码里添加枚举类型,生成的chm会报如下错误: mk:@MSITStore:F:\github\chunhuitech\ccppqt\Doxygen\html\MyTestPros.chm::/jquery.js

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