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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2016-5-18 12:18:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 hechengjin 于 2013-12-3 15:02 编辑

None of these files should be read-only. If any are read-only it might be a side effect of having put files on removable media, and then copying them or restoring them back to your profile. You much change any such files to be writable.
.autoregTemporary empty file that signals a change in the installed extensions.
.parentlock (Mac OS X)See parent.lock
abook.mabPersonal Address Book
addons.sqliteUsed by add-ons manager.
blocklist.xmlAdded list of dangerous extensions.
cache.sqliteUsed by the Lightning add-on if the "Cache" option is enabled in the calendar properties, to provide offline support. [1]
cert8.dbSecurity certificates
cert_override.txtThis is an optional file used to store a security exception. It appears to store the host name , thus preventing you from creating a security exception for a rotating SMTP server.
chromeappsstore.sqliteUnknown. There is a similar file in Firefox profiles used by localstorage/DOMStorage to store about: pages. [2]
compatibility.iniStores the version and path of the application this profile was last used with. When the profile is loaded with an application with a different version/path, the XPCOM components registration process is triggered. Thunderbird 3.x appears to use the version information to decide whether to display additional tabs such as the migration assistant and whats new. This file is automatically generated and can safely be deleted.
components.iniLists extension folders with XPCOM components. Replaced with extensions.ini in Thunderbird 1.5 and above.
compreg.datLists registered XPCOM components. Automatically regenerated whenever XPCOM registration process is triggered.
custom-strings.txt in chrome
(does not exist by default)
It can be used to replace text in the user interface. [3]
cookies.txtObsolete, no longer used. Cookies RSS cookies - Thunderbird
cookies.sqliteStores all cookies.
cookies.sqlite-journalJournal file for cookies.sqlite
cookies.sqlite-shm , cookies.sqlite-walwrite-ahead log files for cookies.sqlite
downloads.rdfDownload history. Can be deleted to resolve slow downloads or program hangs (Bug 159107)
extensions.cacheLists installed extensions, their IDs, and the folders they are installed to, along with their last-modify time. It is used, for example, to register extensions installed by dropping a folder into one of known install locations. This file is automatically regenerated and can be deleted to resolve various issues.
extensions.iniLists folders of installed extensions and themes. The file is automatically generated by nsExtensionManager and is used by low-level code to detect chrome packages and XPCOM components provided by installed addons. It can be safely deleted to resolve various issues.
extensions.logRecords some errors reported by the Extension Manager.
extensions.rdfInstalled extension information. It can be deleted to remove "ghost" entries from the extension list [4] and to resolve various other issues.
extensions.sqliteStores data about installed extensions, not clear yet if it replaces or supplements the extensions.rdf file.
feeds.rdfStores your RSS subscriptions. Its in in the Mail\feeds directory
feeditems.rdfRecords RSS feeds. Its in in the Mail\feeds directory
filterlog.htmlMessage filter log. If filter logging is enabled its stored in the accounts directory.
foldertree.jsonUsed by the folder pane.
global-messages-db.journalrollback transaction journal for global-messages-db.sqlite (temporary file)
global-messages-db.sqliteAn index of all of your messages created by the global search engine (gloda). Can be deleted if db is corrupt or search isn't working correctly - it will be rebuilt.
history.mabCollected addresses address book
hostinfo.dat in NewsContains all the newsgroups available for the current server
junklog.htmlJunk mail log for that account
key3.dbKey database
localstore.rdfToolbar and window layout and size/position settings. It can be safely deleted to resolve various issues.
localstore-safe.rdfSpecial version of localstore.rdf used in Safe Mode to set toolbars and window customizations to defaults. [5]
local.sqliteInternal calendar data (in SQLite format) if you use the Lightning extension.
lock (Linux)See parent.lock
mailviews.datDefines your current message view (you can customize it)
menuedit.rdfUsed by Menu Editor extension
mimeTypes.rdfAction to perform when downloading certain types of files. Can be deleted to reset download actions.
msgFilterRules.dat in ImapMail, Mail, NewsMessage filters
nsmail.eml, nsmail.tmp, nsmail.htmlTemporary files created when sending a message.
nstmpThunderbird creates a nstmp temporary file when compacting a folder. You should not see it (or nstmp-1, nstmp-2 etc.) unless Thunderbird was interrupted while compacting.
panacea.datMail folder cache. It can be safely deleted to resolve various issues.
parent.lock (Windows)Marker showing that the current profile is in use. Can be deleted to unlock the profile.
persdict.datPersonal spelling dictionary
permissions.sqliteUsed by Lightning extension
places.sqlite-shm, places.sqlite.walWrite-ahead log files for places.sqlite. You should not have a places.sqlite-shm and a places.sqlite.wal directory (instead of files with that name). If you do that causes Thunderbird to be extremely slow. Its not clear what creates them, but the workaround is to delete those two directories. [6]
popstate.dat in MailKeeps track of which messages have been left on the POP3 server
prefs.jsAll preferences, including account settings and mail folder locations. See: Modify Thunderbird settings
pubring.gpgPublic keys (yours and any you collected) for the Enigmail (OpenPGP) extension.
rulesbackup.datIf msgFilterRules.dat can't be read it backs it up in that file and creates a new msgFilterRules.dat.
search.jsonNot clear what it is since there is no search.sqlite to cache. [7]
secmod.dbSecurity module database
secring.gpgPrivate keys for the Enigmail (OpenPGP) extension.
session.jsonDefault windows layout. Thunderbird 3.x deletes this file after reading the settings. Its re-created and the layout saved when Thunderbird 3.x terminates normally.
Signons.sqliteEncrypted saved passwords, requires key3.db to work. It used to use signons.txt or signons3.txt.
storage.sdbInternal calendar data (in SQLite format) if you use the Lightning extension. Its been replaced by local.sqlite but is still maintained for compatibility in case you switch between different Thunderbird+Lightning versions.
training.datCustom training for Junk Mail Controls
traits.datBayes traits training data used by the TaQuilla add-on
tmprules.datTemporary file used when modifying message filters.
Unsent Messages.The "Unsent Messages." mbox file in ..\Mail\Local Folders is displayed as the Outbox folder by recent versions of Thunderbird. That folder is used to queue unsent messages if you use "Send Later".
urlclassifier2.sqliteContains information on known phishing sites. Obsolete.
urlclassifier3.sqliteContains information on known phishing sites. Seems to be a replacement for urlclassifier2.sqlite, which replaced urlclassifier.sqlite.
(does not exist by default)
User-set, overrides the preferences in prefs.js
userChrome.css in chrome
(does not exist by default)
User-set CSS to change the way the application looks
userContent.css in chrome
(does not exist by default)
User-set CSS to change the way webpages look
userChrome.js in chrome
(does not exist by default)
User-set JavaScript to change the way the application works
virtualfolders.datSaved Search folder settings
xpti.datLists registered XPCOM interfaces. Automatically regenerated whenever XPCOM registration process is triggered.
XPC.mflA cache file for components (XPC)
xul.mfasl (Linux)See XUL.mfl file
XUL.mfl (Windows)Cached user interface data. Can be deleted to resolve various issues.
File location changed in Thunderbird 1.5. [8]
XUL FastLoad File (Mac OS X)See XUL.mfl

Files without specific names
(number).sObsolete. It used to be used for saving passwords. The "(number).s" value was specified by the signon.SignonFileName preference.
* in ImapMail, Mail, and News(no file extension)Mbox files. They are text files that contain all of the messages for that folder.
*.mab other than abook.mab and history.mabUser-created or imported address books.
*.msf in ImapMail, Mail, and NewsIndex files for mail messages.
*.mozemlEach file is a partial copy (up to 20kb) of a message in the mail folder, stored in a .mozmsgs subdirectory. It is used by the optional Spotlight Integration component under OSX. It's deleted when the message in the mbox is deleted. [9]
*.rc in NewsSubscribed groups.
*.thaThe MoreFunctionsForAddressBook add-on uses this file extension for contacts.
*.thmThe MoreFunctionsForAddressBook add-on uses this file extension for mailing lists.
*.wdsemlEach file is a partial copy (up to 20kb) of a message in the mail folder, stored in a .mozmsgs subdirectory. It is used by Windows Search Integration (requires Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8). They're actually renamed .eml files. You can disable this feature by unchecking Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> General -> System Integration -> "Allow Windows Search to search messages".
*.xpi in Extensions.xpi files are renamed .zip files used by add-ons. Usually they're unzipped and the files stored in a child directory (its name is the GUID that uniquely identifies that add-on) when the add-on is installed but some (such as IgnoreAero and Add-on Compatibility Reporter) aren't.

Files outside the profile folder
application.iniThe installation directory has an application.ini file with general information about what build you are using and additional entries that control whether the profile manager and extension manager are enabled.
custom-strings.txtFile in the chrome subdirectory in the programs installations directory used to replace strings. [10] [11]
MozillaMailnewsDirectory in temporary files directory.
Updates..\Local Settings\Application Data\Thunderbird\Mozilla Thunderbird or ..\Local\Thunderbird\Mozilla Thunderbird is the directory used to store updates when upgrading, under Windows. This is not the same directory tree as %APPDATA%. Its underneath C:\Documents and Settings\user_name on XP, and user_name\Appdata on Vista\Windows 7. Similar directories are created for other operating systems.It has a "active-update.xml" file plus a updates subdirectory with numbered sub-directories (usually "0"). If an update gets caught in a loop you can break the cycle by deleting "active-update.xml" plus the numbered subdirectory with the updates. Thunderbird (so far) re-creates that Mozilla Thunderbird directory tree as needed if it doesn't exist.
omni.jaIt contains most of the default preference files that used to be stored in in the defaults\pref subdirectory in the Thunderbird program directory such as mailnews.js all-thunderbird.js. Its in the root of the program directory. Its contents can be viewed using any program that knows how to open a .zip archive file. It used to be called omni.jar but was renamed because Window’s System Restore does not backup .jar files. [12]
pluginreg.datRegistration of plugin MIME types. It's located in the "Thunderbird" directory containing the profiles.
profiles.iniKeeps track of the profile folder location. It's located in the "Thunderbird" directory containing the profiles. It can be edited to point to a moved profile folder. If deleted, profiles.ini will be regenerated along with a new default profile folder upon program restart.
registry.datObsolete. Keeps track of profile folder location in previous Thunderbird versions. It's located in the "Thunderbird" directory containing the profiles.


AttachmentsUsed when attachments aren't stored in the folder or the desktop.
calendar-dataUsed by the Lightning extension.
CacheUsed by the optional disk cache added in Thunderbird 3.0
chromeMainly used for the optional userChrome.css and userContent.css files.
extensionsInstalled extensions and themes.
ImapMailMail from IMAP accounts.
MailContains subfolders with:
- POP accounts and pop mail storage. They're normally named after the mail server so if you had a Gmail POP account it would use a pop.gmail.com subdirectory
- Local Folders mail storage (including Global Inbox)
- Feeds or News & Blogs for RSS subscriptions and feeds
- smart mailboxes for Unified Folders/Smart Folders (virtual folders). Its typically called "smart mailboxes -1"
minidumpsDump files (*.dmp) created by the crash reporter
NewsNews accounts and newsgroups
PersonasUsed by the Personas add-on. It requires Thunderbird 3.0 or later
StartupCachePrecompiled startup cache stored in a startupCache.4.little file. Not clear what it caches other than system font data but some Firefox add-on developers delete the equivalent file in a Firefox profile while developing add-ons. [2][3][4]
TestPilotExperimentFilesUsed by the optional TestPilot add-on. It runs user studies on how Thunderbird is used, and is used to submit answers to surveys. It requires Thunderbird 8.0 or later.
WebmailDataUsed by the Webmail extension.

None of these files should be read-only. If they are that might be a side effect of dragging and dropping or backing up files to removable media, and then using them to restore your profile.
abook.mabPersonal Address Book
cert8.dbSecurity certificates
cookies.txtCookies RSS_cookies_(Thunderbird)
downloads.rdfDownload history. Can be deleted to resolve slow downloads or program hangs (Bug 159107)
extensions.rdfInstalled extension information. It can be deleted to remove "ghost" entries from the extension list [5] and to resolve various other issues.
history.mabCollected addresses
key3.dbKey database
localstore.rdfToolbar and window layout size/position settings. It can be deleted to resolve various issues.
mailviews.datDefines your current message view (you can customize it)
mimeTypes.rdfAction to perform when downloading certain types of files. Can be deleted to reset download actions.
msgFilterRules.dat in ImapMail, Mail, NewsMessage filters
panacea.datMail folder cache. Deleting it sometimes helps get rid of Phantom folders
popstate.dat in MailKeeps track of which messages have been downloaded and left on the POP3 server
prefs.jsAll non-default preferences. See: Modify Thunderbird settings
secmod.dbSecurity module database
signons.sqliteEncrypted saved passwords, requires key3.db to work. It used to use signons.txt or signons3.txt.
training.datCustom training for Junk Mail Controls
(does not exist by default)
User-set overriding preferences

Files without specific names
*. in ImapMail, Mail, and NewsMbox files. They are text files that contain all of the messages for that folder.
*.mab other than abook.mab and history.mabUser-created or imported address books.
*.msf in ImapMail, Mail, and NewsIndex files for mail messages. Playback information for offline operations and incomplete online operations.


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Rank: 6Rank: 6

 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-18 12:19:35 | 只看该作者

https://developer.mozilla.org/en ... e_snippets/File_I_O

String        Meaning
AChrom        %CurProcD%/chrome
APlugns        %CurProcD%/plugins
ComsD        %CurProcD%/components
CurProcD        Current working directory (usually the application's installation directory).
DefProfRt        The root of the default profile directory (for example /root/.mozilla).
DefRt        %CurProcD%/defaults
Desk        The user's desktop directory (for example ~/Desktop on Linux or Mac OS X, C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop on Windows).
DfltDwnld        The default Downloads directory (for example, ~/Downloads on Mac OS X).
Home        The user's home directory (for example, /home/username).
PrfDef        %installation%/defaults/pref
ProfD        The profile directory.
ProfDefNoLoc        %installation%/defaults/profile
ProfLD        Local Settings on Windows; where the network cache and fastload files are stored.
Progs        User Start menu programs directory (for example, C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu\Programs). This is a Windows-specific value.
TmpD        The operating system's temporary files directory (for example, /tmp on Mac OS X and Linux).
UChrm        The user chrome directory in their profile: %profile%/chrome.
resource:app        The application directory in an XULRunner application.
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